Training Blog
Kettlebell Week
Training for 04–09 May
Dan Alder

Kettlebell Workout 1:

(Do This Workout With a 16, 20 or 24KG KB)

4x 50 Double Arm Swings (Wait until you are well rested in-between sets…probably around 3 to 5 minutes)

Kettlebell Workout 2:

(Do This Workout With a 16, 20 or 24KG KB)

3x Sets of:

2x 10 Single Arm Swings + 5 Pull-Ups (Do right arm then left with a 1 to 2 min. break in-between the sets)

2x 15 Single Arm Swings + 5 Goblet Squats (Do right arm then left with a 1 to 2 min. break in-between the sets)

2x 25 Single Arm Swings + 10 Push-Ups (Do right arm then left with a 1 to 2 min. break in-between the sets)

Kettlebell Workout 3:

(Use a 16KG Kettlebell)

2x 5 Min. Sets of Snatches (Try to get between 80 to 100 reps for each 5 min. set)

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